Understand EKD-CMM Process Strategies

Introduction                                 An analogy                           EKD-CMM strategies 


The page introduces the notion of a strategy as a means to reach an intention. It provides the two collections of EKD-CMM strategies applicable to the two key intentions Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure and Conceptualise Enterprise Business Process Model.

In EKD-CMM, a strategy characterises a manner to reach an EKD-CMM process intention. For example, as shown below, EKD-CMM offers two strategies to "Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure" : a Participative Modelling strategy and an Analyst Driven strategy. Both are possible ways to reach the same result, namely a goal structure modelled using concepts of the EKD goal sub-model.

Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure following 
Participative modelling strategy
Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure following 
Analyst driven strategy
The participative modelling strategy is more suitable when the organisational maturity of modelling is rather high, the participative involvement is high, the organisational culture is flat and the degree of clarity of the problem is very low.
The electronic brainstorming strategy is appropriate when the organisational maturity of modelling is low, the participative involvement is low, the organisational culture is hierarchical and the problem is well-defined.
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An analogy

The analogy can be made with a strategy to reach a location on a map. For instance, to reach Nice from Paris, one can imagine three strategies : fast, "andouillette", lazzy.
With strategy (1), the idea is to reach Nice as fast as possible. 

Strategy (2) is motivated by the desire to eat an "andouillette" in Lyon, where it originates from. 

In strategy (3), time is not important whereas, visit as much as one can in the French site is key factor.

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EKD-CMM strategies

Similarly, the performance of the EKD-CMM modelling process is based on strategies to reach one of the two key process intentions "Elicit enterprise goal structure" and "Conceptualise enterprise business process model". The proposed strategies are listed below.

Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure following : 

1 - Process Clustering Strategy 

2 - Participative Modelling Strategy 

3 - Goal Deployment Strategy 

4 - Analyst Driven Strategy 

5 - Evaluation Strategy

Conceptualise Enterprise BPM following : 

2- Participative Modelling Strategy 

4- Analyst Driven Strategy

5- Evaluation Strategy


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 Understand process intentions Understand road map Understand road map visualisation Guide book at a glance

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