This page introduces the two EKD-CMM process intentions and their relationships with the four CMM states.
EKD-CMM views the process of modelling change as intention driven. An intention is a goal that the EKD-CMM user wants to fulfil. "Elicit Future Goal", "Construct Class Association Model", "Resolve Goal Conflict" are examples of such intentions. There are two key intentions in EKD-CMM, namely "Conceptualise Enterprise Business Process Model" and "Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure". We refer to them as EKD-CMM Process Intentions (EPI).
"Conceptualise Enterprise Business Process Model" refers to all activities required to construct a business process model whereas "Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure" refers to all those activities that are needed to identify goals and to relate them one another through AND, OR and AND/OR relationships.The two key EKD-CMM process intentions. Conceptualise Enterprise Business Process Model
. Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure
The relationships between the four EKD-CMM states and the two EPIs are
shown in the table below.
Conceptualise Enterprise
Business Process Model |
v | v |