Understand EKD-CMM Process Intentions
EKD-CMM process intentions                                     Relationships between intentions and states 

EKD-CMM process intentions

This page introduces the two EKD-CMM process intentions and their relationships with the four CMM states.

EKD-CMM views the process of modelling change as intention driven. An intention is a goal that the EKD-CMM user wants to fulfil. "Elicit Future Goal", "Construct Class Association Model", "Resolve Goal Conflict" are examples of such intentions. There are two key intentions in EKD-CMM, namely "Conceptualise Enterprise Business Process Model" and "Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure". We refer to them as EKD-CMM Process Intentions (EPI).

 The two key EKD-CMM process intentions
. Conceptualise Enterprise Business Process Model
. Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure
 "Conceptualise Enterprise Business Process Model" refers to all activities required to construct a business process model whereas "Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure" refers to all those activities that are needed to identify goals and to relate them one another through AND, OR and AND/OR relationships.

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Relationships between intentions and CMM states

The relationships between the four EKD-CMM states and the two EPIs are shown in the table below.
"As-Is" state
"To-Be" state
Alternative scenaria for change determined
Alternative scenaria evaluated and selected
Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure
Conceptualise Enterprise  
Business Process Model
 v  v

The "As-Is" and "To-Be" states require to fulfil both the "Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure" and "Conceptualise Enterprise Business Process Model" intentions. The two other states have goal graphs as end product and therefore require only the "Elicit Enterprise Goal structure" intention to be fulfilled.

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 Understand road map        Understand process strategies         Guide book at a glance

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