The EKD-CMM road map contains the different routes to manage change using EKD-CMM. The following pages introduce progressively the notions underlying the roadmap. 

Go through the 6 pages to get full understanding of the road map

Understand Process Intentions The EKD-CMM modelling process is intentional (e.g. goal driven).
Understand Process Strategies EKD-CMM identifies several strategies to perform the modelling process.
Understand Road Map Visualisation The road map visualises all possible EKD-CMM routes.
Understand Routes The EKD-CMM road map comprises a set of possible pre-defined routes depending of the selected modelling strategies.
Understand Situational Factors The use of the EKD-CMM is strongly dependent on a large and complex set of situational factors.
Understand Route Selection The selection of one route among the several available is based on situational factors.
Understand  EKD-CMM road map and guidelines Understand EKD-CMM guidelines Guide book at a glance

Copyright  ELEKTRA 1998