Understand Route Selection

This page introduces the notion of situational factors and associates each EKD-CMM route to a collection of situational factors.

Top-down route                          Bottom-up route                      Goal-driven route 
T1 : Elicit Future Goal Structure from Start following Participative Modelling Strategy  

T2 : Conceptualise Alternative BPM from Future Goal Structure following Participative Modelling Strategy 

T3 : Conceptualise Most Suitable BPM from Alternative BPM Scenaria following Evaluation Strategy  

T4 : Conceptualise Future BPM from Selected BPM Scenario following  Participative Modelling Strategy 

T5 : Stop from Future BPM following Completeness Strategy 

Situational Factors 

Method factors 

  • Organisational maturity of modelling : Medium
  • Degree of «participative» involvement : High
  • Degree of commonality of «view-points» : Low
Problem factors 
  • Organisational culture : Flat 
  • Degree of clarity of problem : Wicked
  • Type of services of the organisation : Stable
  • External pressures and competition: Possible to foresee
ESI sector factors
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B1 : Conceptualise Current BPM from Start following Analyst Driven Strategy  

or B1bis: Conceptualise Current BPM from Start following Reuse Strategy 

B2 : Elicit Current Goal Structure from Current BPM following Process Clustering Strategy 

B3 : Elicit Future Goal Structure from Current Goal Structure following Analyst Driven Strategy 

B4 : Elicit Change Goal Structure from Current Goal Structure following Goal Deployment Strategy 

or B4bis : Elicit Change Goal Structure from Current Goal Structure following Reuse Strategy 

B5 : Elicit Most Suitable Change Goal Structure from Change Goal Structure following Evaluation Strategy 

B6 : Stop from Change Goal Structure following Completeness Strategy

Situational Factors 

Method factors 

  • Organisational maturity of modelling : Low
  • Degree of «participative» involvement : Low
  • Degree of commonality of «view-points» : Medium
Problem factors 
  • Organisational culture : Hierarchical
  • Degree of clarity of problem : Well defined
  • Type of services of the organisation : Changing
  • External pressures and competition: Known
ESI sector factors
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G1 : Elicit Current Goal Structure from Start  following Participative Modelling Strategy 

G2 : Elicit Future Goal Structure from Current Goal Structure following Analyst Driven Strategy 

G3 : Elicit Change Goal Structure from Current Goal Structure following Goal Deployment Strategy 

G4 : Elicit Most Suitable Change Goal Structure from Change Goal Structure following Evaluation Strategy 

G5 : Stop from Change Goal Structure  following Completeness Strategy 

Situational Factors 

Method factors 

  • Organisational maturity of modelling : Medium
  • Degree of «participative» involvement : Hight
  • Degree of commonality of «view-points» : Medium
Problem factors 
  • Organisational culture : Flat
  • Degree of clarity of problem : Wicked
  • Type of services of the organisation : Changing
  • External pressures and competition: Known
ESI sector factors
Top of Page Understand situational factors  Understand road map Guide book at a glance

Copyright  ELEKTRA 1998