Elicit Enterprise Goal Structure
Following Process Clustering Strategy
This guideline suggests to define the goal hierarchy of the enterprise corresponding to its current state, by clustering the business processes aiming to achieve the same high-level business goal. It is based on the understanding of objectives corresponding to the current functionning of the enterprise.
The current state of the enterprise should be formally described previously using enterprise business process models. 

Perform the following activities
Techniques and tools 
Identify  goals reached by current business processes  Top managers and/or domain experts interview A business process  provides some desired output to an internal or external customer. Roughly speaking, when a process is defined in a detailed level, the delivery of the output can be considered as the operational goal attached to the process. 
Identify macro-processes 
and the corresponding enterprise goals
Modelling sessions Processes do not operate independently but are related in different ways.  (i) They can have temporal relationships expressing the triggering of a process by another one.  (ii) A process defined in a detailed way at the operational level can be seen as an activity in a macro-process. This leads to the identification of macro-processes characterised by higher level goals.
Organise enterprise goals in a goal hierarchy EKD goal modelling editor The recursive application of the process aggregation mechanism leads to the construction of a hierarchy of goals describing the current objectives of the enterprise. The leaves of this hierarchy correspond to operational goals classified in more and more general goals. 
Current enterprise business process models are formally described
Enterprise goal model
Elicit enterprise goal structure Guide book at a glance

Copyright  ELEKTRA 1998