The foundation of the EKD-CMM change management framework: EKD Method
What is EKD? 
The EKD way of modelling 
The EKD way of working 

Introduction: What EKD is and isn’t

Experience shows that one of the most important issues that need to be clarified when introducing EKD to a potential application (customer) is the "nature" of the method and the contributions it can make. At the same time, the purpose of applying it must be made clear, i.e. what results are expected.

What EKD is

What EKD is NOT The EKD way of modelling
The models underlying EKD are Enterprise Models which purpose is to represent various views of an enterprise. The inter-connected set of EKD models describing an enterprise can be visualised in three levels of concern as shown in the following figure: Enterprise Goal Model, Enterprise Business Process Model and Enterprise Information System Model. The first one describes the enterprise objectives and the second one describes various aspects of enterprise processes. The latter is used when the EKD approach is applied to define the requirements for an information system. The focus is thus the computerised system which has to support the goals, the processes and the actors of the enterprise as defined in the previous models.
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The EKD way of working

The EKD way of working describes the modelling process to be followed by application engineers to construct the set of enterprise models. Due to its participative and innovative nature, the EKD process can not be fully prescribed. A method for participative modelling process should allow to select dynamically the next task to be performed depending on the situation at hand. Thus the EKD way of working is represented using a navigational structure allowing the application engineer to determine a route from Start intention to Stop intention. This navigational structure is called a road map by analogy of a real 'road-map' in which we can observe that going from one place to another, say from A to B, there may be many routes. The choice of a route depends on one's desired intention (destination), and availability or choice of the vehicle (speed, scenery,...). The road map representing the EKD way of working supports the dynamic selection of the modelling intention to be achieved next and the appropriate strategy. Accordingly,  the set of EKD models can be constructed following differents routes in this map.

The figure below shows three examples of routes in the EKD road map. It can be seen that the EKD method may be used for various purposes allowing for instance:
(1) forward engineering (from business objectives to business processes and from business processes to information systems development),
(2) reverse engineering (from legacy information systems to the information system level which may be than used to model the business processes level),
(3) business process reengineering (from business processes level to the business objectives for change).


A detailed description of the EKD method can be found in the EKD user guide.
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 Overview of the EKD-CMM change management framework Understand change management within EKD-CMM Guide book at a glance 
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