Understand Change Management within EKD-CMM

The EKD-CMM view of organisational change            The EKD-CMM way of working                The EKD-CMM way of modelling

The EKD-CMM view of organisational change

Change management in EKD-CMM is based on the premise that business change is goal-driven: i.e., the need for business change is externalised in terms of strategic business goals, which in turn shape the business. Therefore, business change management is the process of identifying the business change goals  and analysing the impact that these goals have to current business situation.
The following figure below sums-up the EKD-CMM view of change propagation in any organisation. The propagation is in four steps :
1 - Abstracting a model from current reality (As-Is model) 

2- Defining the desired change within this model (To-Be model) 

3 - Implementing the changed model in the reality 

4 - Taking into account the existing context 


This figure above shows that the EKD conceptual support for change consists in reasoning on models. The need for change is typically stated in a simple manner as a change vision. A classical example is John F. Kennedy´s statement : "to send a man to the moon before the end of the decade". Thus, the change process is the process of transforming the vision into a new model. Within the world in which the vision has to be realised, many habits (legacies) exist. Some are based on formally stated goals, policies, or competing visions. Others are just regularly observable phenomena for which no predefined structure or reasons are known a priori.

The task is therefore twofold. First, relevant habits must be analysed and the goals, policies and visions behind them must be made explicit. This is essentially a goal-driven abstraction process from existing practice leading to the "As-Is" model. Second, the new vision must be established as a mission in this context leading to the "To-Be" model. Noticing this necessary juxtaposition of vision and context in an always changing environment, we define the change process as a process of establishing a vision for change in context .

The change definition (step 2 in figure above) is itself a complex process as many alternative change routes and many future models can be envisionned. Thus, the EKD-CM Method suggests two more tasks consisting of first, modelling the alternative scenaria for change within a change process model and secondly, selecting the appropriate scenario for change.

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The EKD-CMM way of working

The EKD-CMM modelling process results in three models (the "As-Is" model, the "To-Be" model and the change process model) and it identifies four states to be reached when performing change management with EKD-CMM :

1 - "As-Is" state

2 - Alternative scenaria for change determined

3 - Alternative scenaria evaluated and selected

4 - "To-Be" state

We refer to those as the four CMM states.

EKD-CMM does not impose one way of reaching the four states but several ones. In other words, there are several routes that can be followed in order to reach the four EKD-CMM states required for managing the change. These routes are integrated in the EKD-CMM road map  which is a navigational structure allowing the change engineer to determine a route from Start intention to Stop intention. The approach suggests a dynamic construction of the most appropriate route by navigating in the road map.
 EKD-CMM road-map provides users of the EKD-CMM the possible routes of using the method depending on the goal of the users, the methodological situation they are in, and the tools available to them. Nevertheless, the single purpose, irrespective of the routes followed is to: 
    reach the ultimate 'destination' of managing organisational change

Reaching this 'destination', by whatever means, we postulate that four 'states' must be reached. These are:

   "As-Is state" which defines the current business processes and goals
    "To-Be state" defining the future business processes and goals
    "Alternative scenaria for change determined" defining the change process model
    "Alternative scenaria evaluated and selected" resulting of the evaluation of the alternative scenaria included in the change process model and the selection of the most appropriated one.

Thus, EKD-CMM proposes several ways of working, and in this sense, it is a multi-method.
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The EKD-CMM way of modelling: Adaptation of EKD models tho change management

The EKD Change Management Methodology concentrates on enterprise  goal modelling and enterprise business process modelling as shown in the figure below. Consequently the products which are produced as outputs of the change management process are the "AS-IS" and "TO-BE" Enterprise Goal Models on one hand, and the "AS-IS" and "TO-BE" Entreprise Business Process Models on the other hand.

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 The foundation of the EKD-CMM change management frameworkOverview of the EKD-CMM change management framework Guide book at a glance

Copyright  ELEKTRA 1998