Evaluate Scenario  in a Qualitative Manner

This guideline describes the way of evaluating a scenario against a set of pre-defined criteria. As the evaluation is performed by several stakeholders, the guideline indicates how to aggregate the individual scorings into a aggregate scenario evaluation.
Perform the following activities
Techniques and tools 
Capture opinions with regard to a set of pre-defined criteria
This activity consists in collecting individual opinions by scoring the scenario against each criterion. We propose six criteria. The ranking scale comprises five following levels:  very low, low, average, high, very high. 
Aggregate individual opinions per criterion
The individual results are aggregated and the average scoring of the scenario for each criterion is presented in a summary table.
A scenario described in natural language
Scenario  model
Compile the list of scenariaPerform branch evaluationAssess the level of agreement of the qualitative evaluation

Copyright  ELEKTRA 1998