Assess the Level of Agreement of the Qualitative Evaluation

This guideline provides a way for evaluating the degree of consensus of opinions gathered for a scenarioin the previous step.

Perform the following activity
Techniques and tools 
Evaluate discrepancies among the different scorings and evaluate the level of consensus
Face to face discussion and negociation
The deviation of each individual scoring from the average scoring obtained for a criterion by a scenario is examined. Discussion helps improving the common understanding of the  scenario and may lead to a modification of scoring. Finally, the level of consensus about the scenario is evaluated as low or high. In the former case a quantitative evaluation must be performed whereas the evaluation of this scenario stops in the latter case.
A scenario described in natural language and its associated qualitative evaluations
Scenario model
Evaluate scenaria in a qualitative mannerPerform branch evaluationChoose preferred scenaria

Copyright  ELEKTRA 1998