Understand the hierarchy of guidelines

This page describes and illustrates with an example the hierarchy of guidelines  used to organise any EKD-CMM guideline available in this electronic guidebook. The description is given in the left part whereas the example is shown in the right part.

 Guidelines are organised in intention graphs
Each alternative of a Choice guideline is a guideline too. It belongs to one of the three types, Choice, Plan, and Executable. For instance, the alternative "Follow goal deployment strategy" is a Plan Guideline shown below.
Construct change process model
Select your alternative 
Follow goal deployment strategy 
 Arguments for alternative 1
Follow participative strategy
Arguments for alternative 2
Each step of a Plan Guideline is a guideline too. It belongs to one of the three types, Choice, Plan, and Executable. For instance, the step "Construct a hierarchy of change goals" is an Executable Guideline shown below.
Follow goal deployment strategy 
Follow these steps 
Construct a hierarchy of change goals
 Description  of step 1
Attach processes Description of step 2
Therefore, as illustrated in this example, EKD-CMM guidelines are organised in a hierarchical manner through successive refinements (alternatives) and decompositions (steps). The leaves of a hierarchy are Executable Guidelines.
 Construct a hierarchy of change goals
Perform the following activities  
Activity  Techniques and tools Comments
Determine impact EKD-goal model editor  
Identify new goals Interview domain experts, GroupSystem, PlasticWall.  
Introduce new goals EKD-goal model editor  
Understand types of guidelines           Understand EKD-CMM guidelines           Understand the procedure to use EKD-CMM guidelines

Copyright  ELEKTRA 1998