List of publications:

CRI - Paris 1 – Sorbonne,  2009-now:
available at HAL open archive

EPFL, CEA-Saclay, 2003 - 2009:

  1. Scientific modeling software KNIT, user guide. I. Rychkova, V. Rychkov, K. Kazymirenko, S. Borlenghi, and X. Waintal (2009). Available online at:
  2. Formal semantics for refinement verification of entreprise models. Irina Rychkova, Dir.: Alain Wegmann. Th_se EPFL, no 4210 (2008).
  3. Declarative Specification and Alignment Verification of Services in ITIL. Irina Rychkova, Gil Regev and Alain Wegmann. First International Workshop on Dynamic and Declarative Business Processes (DDBP 2008), Munich, Germany.
  4. Using Declarative Specifications In Business Process Design. Irina Rychkova, Gil Regev and Alain Wegmann. International Journal of Computer Science & Applications. (2008)
  5. High-Level Design and Analysis of Business Processes. The Advantages of Declarative Specifications. Irina Rychkova, Gil Regev and Alain Wegmann. Presented at: The Second IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), Marrakech, Morocco, 3-6 June, 2008. (Best Paper Award)
  6. From Business to IT with SEAM: J2EE Pet Store Example. Irina Rychkova, Alain Wegmann, Gil Regev, and Lam-Son Le; Presented at: The 11th IEEE International EDOC Conference, Annapolis, Maryland U.S.A., 15-19 October 2007.
  7. Refinement Propagation. Towards Automated Construction of Visual Specifications. Irina Rychkova, Alain Wegmann. Presented at: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Funchal, Madeira - Portugal, 12-16 june 2007.
  8. Formal Semantics for Property-Property Relations in SEAM Visual Language: Towards Simulation and Analysis of Visual Specifications. Irina Rychkova, Alain Wegmann. Presented at: Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems – MSVVEIS 2007. In conjunction with ICEIS 2007, Funchal, Madeira - Portugal, june 2007.
  9. Business-IT Alignment with SEAM for Enterprise Architecture. Wegmann, Alain; Regev, Gil; Rychkova, Irina ; L_, Lam-Son et al. Presented at: The 11th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2007), Annapolis, Maryland, 15-19 October 2007.
  10. Teaching Enterprise and Service-Oriented Architecture in Practice. Wegmann, Alain; Regev, Gil; de la Cruz, Jos_ Diego; L_, Lam-Son; Rychkova, Irina. Accepted in: Journal of Enterprise Architecture, vol. 4, num. 3, 2007, p. 15 – 24.
  11. An Example of a Hierarchical System Model Using SEAM and its Formalization in Alloy. Wegmann, Alain ; L_, Lam-Son ; de la Cruz, Jos_ Diego ; Rychkova, Irina et al. Presented at: 4th International Workshop on ODP for Enterprise Computing (WODPEC 2007), Annapolis, Maryland, October 15.
  12. Early Requirements and Business-IT Alignment with SEAM for Business Wegmann, Alain; Regev, Gil; Rychkova, Irina; Julia, Philippe et al. Presented at: 15th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, New Delhi, India, October 15- 19th, 2007.
  13. A Method of Functional Alignment Verification in Hierarchical Enterprise Models. Irina Rychkova, Alain Wegmann. Presented at: Workshop on Business/IT Alignment and Interoperability (BUSITAL) in conjunction with CAiSE, Luxembourg, june, 2006.
  14. A Method and Tool for Business-IT Alignment in Enterprise Architecture. Balabko, Pavel; Le, Lam Son; Regev, Gil; Rychkova, Irina et al. Presented at: CAiSE`05 Forum, Porto, Portugal. In: CAiSE`05 Forum, 2005.
  15. Operational ASM Semantics behind Graphical SEAM Notation. Balabko, Pavel; Rychkova, Irina; Wegmann, Alain. Presented at: DAIS/FMOODS Ph.D. workshop, Paris. In: DAIS/FMOODS Ph.D. workshop, (2003)