

In conjunction with EDOC 2012

The Fourth Workshop on Service oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering

11 September 2012, Beijing, China

Selmin Nurcan – University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France

Rainer Schmidt – Aalen University of Applied Sciences, Germany



  • Topics for discussion






During the workshop we will discuss the following topics:

1. Alignment of the enterprise goals and strategy with the SoEA

    • Which interdependencies exist between services and business strategy?
    • Which concepts and methods are necessary to align services with the business strategy?
    • Which new potentials to reengineer business processes are created by services?
    • How are non-functional requirements derived from enterprise goals and strategy?
    • How are services aligned with non-functional requirements?
    • How are services aligned with compliance requirements?
    • Are the compliance and governance requirements enforced using SoEA?

2. Design of SoEA

    • How are business, software, platform and infrastructure services defined?
    • How are business services assigned to business processes?
    • How are business services assigned to non-functional requirements?
    • How do meta-services differentiate for business, software, platform and infrastructure services?
    • How are appropriate meta-services designed?
    • Which phases do the lifecycle of business, software, platform and infrastructure services contain?
    • How can the fulfilment of non-functional requirements be monitored?
    • Which benchmarks and key performance indicators should be applied to services?
    • Which approaches exist for the continual improvement of services?

3. SoEA and Cloud-Computing

    • How does SoEA interrelate with cloud computing?
    • How are Enterprise Architectures designed using cloud-services?
    • How differ cloud-services from other kinds of services?
    • How are Enterprise Architectures designed using cloud-environments?
    • Which meta-services are necessary for cloud-environments?
    • How are service (value) nets -consisting of business, software, platform and infrastructure services- created?

4. Mapping of SoEA to enterprise resources

    • Which resources are relevant for SoEA?
    • How are services mapped to enterprise resources?
    • Which approaches exist to map services to resources?
    • Which information system architectures are adequate for services?
    • How can non-functional requirements be mapped to capacity planning of resources?


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