Paris 1       Centre de Recherche en Informatique

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?> Habilitations à Diriger les Recherches (HDR)

PhD Thesis

"); print(" 
  • "); printf ("%' 50s",$row['PRENOM_AUTEUR']." ".strtoupper($row['NOM_AUTEUR'])); // Converti le nom en majuscule print("
  • "); $tmp =""; if($row['UNIVERSITE_THESE'])$tmp .= " ".$row['UNIVERSITE_THESE'].". "; $date = ""; if($row['DATE_JOUR_THESE']) $date .= $row['DATE_JOUR_THESE']." "; if($row['DATE_MOIS_THESE']) $date .= mois_fr($row['DATE_MOIS_THESE'])." "; if($row['DATE_ANNEE_THESE']) $date .= $row['DATE_ANNEE_THESE']."."; $tmp .= " ".$date.""; $tmp .= " "; if($row['URL_THESE']) $tmp.=""; $tmp .= "\"".ucfirst($row['TITRE_THESE'])."\""; // ucfirst() met la premiere lettre en majuscule if($row['URL_THESE']) $tmp.=""; print(""); print($tmp); print(""); print(""); } } ?>