T1: Creative Requirements - Invention and its Role in Requirements Engineering |
Neil Maiden & James Robertson |
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Monday August 29 morning, 1/2 day, in english
Requirements is too often seen as a "stenographer's task", one where the requirements engineer passively listens and records while the stakeholders state their needs. However, this approach relies on stakeholders knowing what they need, and what they want. Experience tells us that except for rare visionaries, people do not know what they want until they see it. Many of the useful products that we take for granted today, did not come about from the stakeholders' imagination, but from an invention. The mobile phone, text messaging, the World Wide Web and many, many others are inventions. In this tutorial we explain and illustrate how to use creative techniques to invent requirements that result in more useful, usable and competitive products. We provide a guide for invention, and show participants how to use this guide to invent innovative requirements for a familiar system.
Attend this tutorial if you are a Practicing Requirements Engineer who wants to learn creative techniques for discovering innovative requirements, an academic who wants to explore how creativity fits into requirements engineering, or a project leader and manager who wants to understand how to make creativity part of the requirements process.
This half-day tutorial will cover what is creativity and why we want it, creativity workshop techniques, working with external experts, using storyboards, creative triggers, and how to plan creativity workshops. A running example will give attendees to practice the creativity techniques described.
Neil Maiden is Professor of Systems Engineering and Head of the Centre for Human-Computer Interfaction Design, an independent research department in City University's School of Informatics. He has been directing inter-disciplinary research in requirements engineering for 15 years and has worked on numerous EPSRC- and EU-funded research projects including SIMP, NATURE, CREWS, BANKSEC and SeCSE. He has over 100 papers in journals and conference and workshop publications. He was Program Chair for the 12th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering in Kyoto in 2004 (www.re04.org). He is the new Editor of the IEEE Software's Requirements column. Details are available from www-hcid.soi.city.ac.uk.
James Robertson is a leading proponent of the principle of introducing creativity into the requirements process. His controversial article "Eureka: Why Analysts Should Invent Requirements" in IEEE Software, July 2002, has been widely quoted and discussed. Before becoming a systems engineer, James trained as an architect and his experience in that profession provides inspiration for his work on innovation and creativity. He is co-author of Mastering the Requirements Process, which introduced the Volere requirements techniques, and Requirements-led Project Management-Discovering David's Slingshot. He is also a principal and founder of The Atlantic Systems Guild, a think tank known for its research into new systems engineering techniques.
T2 : Les basics de l'Urbanisme et de la Cartographie des Systèmes d'Information(in French) |
Christophe Longépé & Michel Dardet |
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Monday August 29 morning, 1/2 day, in french
La pratique de l’urbanisme des systèmes d’information s’est développée depuis le milieu des années 90, dans les grandes entreprises et les organisations. L’urbanisme des SI est maintenant une discipline reconnue, et implantée dans de nombreuses entreprises. Elle a affirmé son identité, en participant à la gouvernance des SI, en impulsant une vision globale cohérente, et en permettant de réaliser un meilleur alignement des SI aux besoins stratégiques des organisations. La synergie entre les cellules d’urbanisme et les projets de SI est recherchée essentiellement dans les étapes amont, quand les spécifications ne sont pas encore figées. L’urbanisme des SI est ainsi une approche méthodologique et de gouvernance intégrée à l’ingénierie des exigences des projets majeurs des grandes entreprises.
Les principaux objectifs du tutorial sont:
- Faire connaître les principaux processus de l’urbanisme des SI, et notamment ceux définis dans le cadre de l’association “club des urbanistes et architectes des systèmes d’information”;
- Passer en revue les “basics” de l’urbanisme et de la cartographie des SI : enjeux, concepts, et fondamentaux;
- Montrer le rôle de l’urbanisme dans l’alignement du SI aux besoins stratégiques des organisations.
- Mentionner les différents domaines de capitalisation sur ces approches: métrique de l’urbanisme, certification, liens avec la gouvernance.
Contenu :
- Contexte, enjeux, finalités
- Principes fondateurs de l’urbanisme :
- La connaissance du patrimoine : cartographie des processus et des SI,
- La projection sur une cible en phase avec la stratégie et la technologie,
- La déformation progressive, en relation avec les projets,
- La définition d’un cadre de gouvernance.
- Questions ouvertes
- Professionnalisation de l’urbanisme : les projets en cours du Club Urba SI
Public visé:
Chercheurs, responsables informatiques, chefs de projets, responsables de directions d’entreprises.
Christophe Longépé est directeur de l’urbanisme et des référentiels des systèmes d’information du Groupe Société Générale et chargé de cours à l’ Université de Technologie de Compiègne. Il est administrateur du Club Urba-SI et du Club MOA.
Il était précédemment directeur associé au sein de SchlumbergerSema Consulting en charge du département « Stratégie, urbanisme et architecture des systèmes d’information ». Il a une pratique concrète de l’urbanisme des S.I. et notamment de l’urbanisme des processus de plus de huit années et il est l’auteur de « Le projet d’urbanisation du SI » paru chez Dunod.
Bibliographie :
Longépé Christophe. The Enterprise Architecture IT Project (2003). KoganPage.
Longépé Christophe. Le projet d’urbanisation des S.I. (2ème édition 2004). Dunod.
Michel Dardet est Directeur associé au sein du cabinet de conseil ORESYS (www.oresys.fr), en charge de l'activité de conseil "Urbanisme des Systèmes d'Information". Il a participé à la création du Club URBA-SI (www.urba-si.asso.fr), dont il est aujourd'hui le Secrétaire Général. Il a une expérience des pratiques d'urbanisme dans différents contextes de grandes entreprises : management de l'urbanisation et gouvernance du SI, plans d'urbanisme, référentiels de cartographie, …
T3: Engineering Safety-Related Requirements for Software-Intensive Systems |
Donald Firesmith |
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Monday August 29 afternoon, 1/2 day, in english
It has been observed by several consultants, researchers, and authors that inadequate requirements are a major cause of accidents involving software-intensive systems. Yet in practice, there is very little interaction between the requirements and safety disciplines and little collaboration between their respective communities. Most requirements engineers know little about safety engineering, and most safety engineers know little about requirements engineering. Also, safety engineering typically concentrates on architectures and designs rather than requirements engineering because hazard analysis typically depends on the identification of hardware and software components, the failure of which can cause accidents. This leads to safety-related requirements that are often ambiguous, incomplete, and even missing.
After briefly covering the importance of safety-related requirements, the half-day tutorial will address this lack of understanding and collaboration by first covering the many basic concepts of safety engineering including valuable assets that can be accidentally harmed; safety incidents such as accidents and near misses (close calls); hazards; safety risks based on harm severities and likelihood of hazards/accidents; safety integrity levels (SILs) and safety assurance evidence levels (SEALs); safety goals, policies, and requirements; safety vulnerabilities; and safety mechanisms / safeguards.
Next, the tutorial will identify, define, and discuss the four major kinds of safety-related requirements: (1) safety requirements (a form of quality requirement), (2) safety-significant requirements (including safety-critical functional, data, interface, and non-safety quality requirements), (3) safety system requirements, and (4) safety constraints. Techniques for engineering these requirements as well as examples of these different kinds of requirements will be provided.
Next, a generic subset of safety engineering providing a process for producing safety-related requirements will be presented. After providing an overview, safety program planning during which safety goals to be included in ConOps documents or vision statements is covered. Next covered is safety analysis consisting of asset analysis, safety incident analysis, hazard analysis, safety risk analysis, safety significance analysis, and safety control analysis during which the four kinds of safety-related requirements are identified, analyzed, and specified. Finally, the requirements-related aspects of the remaining safety tasks including safety monitoring, safety incidence investigation, safety compliance assessment, and safety certification are covered.
Finally, an example of a safety-critical system (an automated people mover) will be described, and the class will be led through the development of several of the different kinds of safety-related requirements.
Donald G. Firesmith is a senior member of the technical staff at the SEI, where he works in the acquisition support program helping the US DoD acquire large complex systems of software-intensive systems. With over 25 years of industry experience, he has published 5 software engineering books. He has a regular column on requirements engineering in the Journal of Object Technology (JOT). He has also published dozens of articles and spoken at numerous conferences as well as been the program chair or on the program committee of several technical conferences. He has taught several hundred courses in industry and numerous tutorials at conferences. His personal website is www.donald-firesmith.com, which contains the world’s largest free open-source website documenting over 1,100 classes of reusable process components.
T4: L'Architecture Model Driven (AMD) (in French) cancelled |
T5: Requirements Engineering---A Product Management Perspective cancelled |
Tuesday August 30 morning, 1/2 day, in english
The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Model Driven Design (MDD) offer unprecedented opportunities to improve productivity and quality throughout the application development process. With the automated production of code from Unified Modeling Language (UML) designs, the MDA allows requirements engineers to work more interactively than ever with the designers, programmers and testers. It enables rapid application prototyping and help meet changing requirements. It also allows greater focus on quality assurance through early testing, confirming requirements feasibility and helping manage the scope of the application. This tutorial will introduce a non-technical audience to the value of the MDA from a requirements engineering perspective. Our 3-hour presentation will unfold in four parts: (1) Definition of MDA and its impact on application development productivity and quality; (2) Demo of an MDA development tool, Compuware OptimalJ, with particulary emphasis on the J2EE programming environment; (3) Discussion of various cases of implementing MDA, and its interfacing with Requirements Management tools such as the SteelTrace Catalyze Suite.
Dr. Stephane Gagnon is an Assistant Professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). He is jointly appointed with the School of Management and the College of Computing Sciences in the Department of Information Systems. His research is focused on developing new decision models for business adopters sourcing applications through the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). He also carries out case studies to identify best practices in Business Process Management (BPM) and the Model Driven Architecture (MDA), and how their combination with the SOA are radically changing application development and process integration. He is chairing international conferences on Business Services Networks (BSN's) and the commercialization of software as a service. He is also CEO of Innovations Intracubator Inc., a virtual incubator for Service Oriented Computing (SOC) Ventures.
T7: Requirements Driven Innovation: Thinking the Unthinkable on the Way to Realizing the Gee Whiz |
Donald Gause |
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Tuesday August 30 afternoon, 1/2 day, in english
As normal human beings, we have tendencies to go into new projects with well-conceived ideas of what can and cannot be done. We carry with us vivid memories of the past and our experiences in working on similar design problems. These viewpoints and skills are necessary in order for us to succeed in the design of today’s complex information systems. Unfortunately, unless we exercise great care, our approaches, experiences, and skill sets can also severely restrict our design thinking. Our own skills obscure the differentiating gee whiz features – those surprising features that give our product competitive advantage.
We will illustrate, in a highly interactive manner, a series of requirements elicitation steps that we have found to be especially useful in the breaking of mind-sets and in creating new product concepts. These approaches repeatedly employ synthesis to inductively create unthinkable possibilities, followed by analysis, metaphorical thinking, and refinement leading to imaginative, but useful, product concepts. These approaches are applied while generating large sets of potential stakeholders, design attributes, and use cases. As an integral part of eliciting the requirements, we, from the beginning, create a collection of wishful features, to select from and draw upon, for realization into useful innovative product functions.
This workshop is intended for all professionals involved in the development of complex information systems. This includes executives making funding decisions, product managers, planners, systems analysts, requirements engineers, software developers, systems maintenance, and product end users.
Donald C. Gause is a Research Professor of Bioengineering in the Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, State University of New York @ Binghamton as well as a Principal of Savile Row, LLC. He has worked as an engineer and computer programmer and has managed engineering, programming and education groups with General Motors and IBM. He has been active as a consultant and professor for the past 37 years and served for many of these years as an adjunct member of IBM's Systems Research Institute (SRI). He has been a visiting scholar and has lectured at many universities and institutes around the world, has been an associate editor of the International Journal of Cybernetics and Systems, and has served as a national lecturer for a number of professional societies. He is a current member of the editorial board of the Journal of Requirements Engineering.
Mr. Gause's consulting and research interests include the development and analysis of requirements management and systems design processes, the design of user-oriented systems, and the management of innovation within large organizations. He has advised in the elicitation and documentation of business plans and requirements for Internet start-ups and Fortune 100 companies. He has also consulted on the development of strategic business systems, new products and processes for many leading firms.
Mr. Gause is the author (with G.M. Weinberg) of "Are Your Lights On?: How to Figure Out What the Problem REALLY Is", Dorset House, N.Y., 1990 and Exploring Requirements: Quality BEFORE Design, Dorset House, N.Y., 1989.
T8: Requirements-Based Product Line Engineering cancelled |
T9 : Object-Process Methodology a Formal, User-Oriented Graphic-Textual Requirements Engineering Platform |
Dov Dori |
Go to T9 workspace  |
Tuesday August 30 morning, 1/2 day, in english
A comprehensive system modeling methodology with coherent ontology is essential for system architecting and engineering. Starting with a model as early as possible in the system lifecycle increases the likelihood that the requirements will be captured in the most consistent and comprehensive way possible. The major hurdle, however, is that the customers rarely master a modeling language, making models for the most part inaccessible to them. The result is way too often a system that falls short of fulfilling even the minimal expectations. The reality of changing requirements further exacerbates the situation, calling for an agile modeling paradigm that is at the same time both intuitive and comprehensible while also being formal.
Object-Process Methodology, a unifying approach for developing, communicating, supporting and evolving systems of various domains, types, magnitudes and complexities, meets these requirements. OPM is founded on well-defined ontology with solid infrastructure; it has clear, formal, single-model semantics expressed bi-modally via graphics and natural language. It enable fast and reliable system modeling; and it caters to domain experts who are not IT professionals and therefore enables them to actively engage in the development process as part of the team. Taught at leading institutions of higher education and used in Industry, OPM has evolved as a significant extension of Object technology which caters equally well to systems' structure (through objects and relations) and behavior (through processes that transform objects). OPM encompasses the entire lifecycle of a software system or product, from concept and initiation through development to deployment.
Throughout the tutorial, case studies and examples for requirements elicitation and engineering processes will be demonstrated using OPCAT – OPM's Integrated Systems Engineering Environment. Attendees will get a chance to experience first hand the effect of the OPM-based RE approach and the OPCAT software environment by applying cases from their own domains of expertise.
Tutorial Goals and History
The tutorial will present the underlying OPM ontology and its application for requirements engineering, and in particular interactive requirements elicitation and analysis. It is based in part on material I have been teaching at MIT's Engineering Systems Division as well as the Summer Professional Institute. It will follow in the footsteps of a series of successful tutorials
- Dov Dori, Supporting Automated Systems Development with Object-Process Methodology. The 19th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Linz, Austria, September 20-21, 2004.
- Dov Dori, Object-Process Methodology and Its Application to the Visual Semantic Web. 16th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2004, Riga, Latvia, June 7-11, 2004.
- Dov Dori, Object-Process Methodology and Its Application to the Visual Semantic Web. 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2003), Chicago Illinois, October 13-16, 2003.
- Dov Dori, Object-Process Methodology: Ontological Foundations and Internet Applications. 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, École Supérieure d' Électronique de l'Ouest, Angers, France, April 23-26, 2003.
Potential Attendees and Background Knowledge
The target audience includes information technology professionals interested in modeling software systems. Specifically, analysts, designers, requirement modelers, database administrators and system integrators, executives, and project leaders will benefit from attending the tutorial and applying OPM for the purpose of developing better systems faster and more reliably. Background knowledge in object technology is helpful but not mandatory.
Dov Dori is Head of the Information Systems Engineering Area at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, and Research Affiliate at MIT. Between 1999-2001 he was Visiting Faculty at MIT's Engineering Systems Division and Sloan School of Management. Professor Dori received his B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Technion in 1975, M.Sc. in Operations Research from Tel Aviv University in 1981, and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, in 1988.
Between 1978 and 1984 he was Chief Industrial Engineer of MERKAVA Tank Production Plant, and between 1996 and 1998 he was Head of Technion's Area of Information Systems Engineering. His research interests include Systems Development Methodologies, Information Systems Engineering, Computer-Aided Software Engineering and Document Analysis and Recognition. Dov Dori has developed the Machine Drawing Understanding System (MDUS) and Object-Process Methodology (OPM), for which he won several prizes.
Between 1999 - 2001 Prof. Dori was Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI). He is Associate Editor of International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition and is on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. He is author/co-editor of four books and author of over 130 publications. He is Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) and Senior Member of IEEE. He has been consultant and invited lecturer for companies, including Pratt and Whitney Canada, Ford Motor Company, FAA, NASA, The MITRE Corporation, Draper Laboratories, Kodak, and others.
For any general information regarding tutorial, contact Dan Berry (dberry@uwaterloo.ca)