The 13th IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference 2005 Université Paris 1 The 13th IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference 2005

Doctoral Consortium

Detailed Program and Additional Information Go to the DC workspace  

The RE '05 Doctoral Consortium is a one-day workshop to be held immediately preceding the main conference.


The RE'05 Doctoral Consortium is intended to bring together PhD students working on foundations, techniques, tools and applications of requirements engineering and give them the opportunity to present and discuss their research in a constructive and international atmosphere. The goals of the Consortium are

  • to provide a setting for mutual feedback on participants' current research and guidance on future research directions,
  • to develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research,
  • to provide an opportunity for student participants to interact with established researchers and others in the requirements engineering community.


Selected students will present their work and receive constructive feedback both from a panel of experts and from other Doctoral Consortium students. The students will also have the opportunity to seek advice on various aspects of completing a PhD and performing research in requirements engineering. The proceedings of the Consortium will be published as an adjunct to the RE'05 conference proceedings.

Who should participate

Student participants should consider participating in the doctoral workshop at least six months before completion of their dissertation, but after having settled on a research area or thesis topic.

Review process

Each prospective student participant will submit a package of materials for consideration. The participants will be selected on the basis of their anticipated contribution to the consortium goals as well as the potential benefit to the students. Among the criteria that will be considered in reviewing submissions are

  • the potential quality of the research and its relevance to requirements engineering,
  • the stage of the research (see the Section 'Who should participate' above),
  • the diversity of background, research topic, and approach.


What to submit

Each submission consists of two elements:


You have to submit a short paper describing your dissertation research.


Your thesis advisor must send a letter of recommendation by e-mail to the Doctoral Consortium Chair, Nancy Day, at The letter of recommendation must include an assessment of the current status of your thesis research and an expected date for thesis submission.

Your paper should clearly state :

  • the problem to be solved in your thesis (justify why this problem is important and make clear that previous research has not yet solved that problem),
  • your research hypothesis (claim),
  • your proposed solution,
  • the expected contributions of your dissertation research,
  • how you plan to evaluate your results and to present credible evidence of your results to the community.

Submission format and rules

Your paper must be formatted in the IEEE proceedings format. The length of the paper (in this format) must be between 1 1/2 and 4 pages. The paper must be submitted as a single PDF-file, with all fonts included and with the last name of the author as its name (e.g., smith.pdf).

All submitted materials must be in English. Your submission should not contain any proprietary or confidential material and should not cite proprietary or confidential publications.

Submissions that do not comply with the instructions given in this call for submissions will not be considered.

How to submit

Prepare an e-mail providing the following information (in ASCII)

  • your name, affiliation and full contact information (e-mail, phone, fax, postal address),
  • the name, affiliation and full contact information of your advisor,
  • a brief description of your research topic (25 words or less).

Attach your paper to this e-mail and send it to the RE'05 Doctoral Consortium Chair at Make sure that your advisor submits the letter of recommendation for you. All email messages should include a subject line containing "RE 05 DC"

RE'05 Doctoral Consortium Committee

Nancy Day, University of Waterloo, Canada (Chair)
Daniel Berry, University of Waterloo, Canada
Orlena Gotel, Pace University, USA
Sol Greenspan, National Science Foundation, USA.

Important dates

Deadline for submissions (firm)

April 28, 2005

Notification of acceptance

June 06, 2005

Camera-ready copy of paper due

June 30, 2005

RE'05 Doctoral Consortium

August 30, 2005
Last update : 25.06.2005