Perform Comparative Evaluation

This guideline organises a Comparative Evaluation of scenaria by comparing one scenario against another on their respective scores acquired in  previous steps.
Perform the following activities
Techniques and tools 
Identify criterion weight
Business experts interview
Criteria may have different levels of importance regarding the comparative evaluation of scenaria. Experts are suggested to provide weights to ponderate the impact of each criterion in the global evaluation of scenaria. The final weight is the average of proposed weights.
Construct the comparison table
Business experts interview
A comparison table is automatically built using summary evaluation tables and weighting the criterion score by the average value determined in the previous step.
Select scenaria
Business experts interview
Based on presentation of the comparison table, discussions and votes aim at selecting one or several scenaria which will be referred as the preferred set of branch scenaria. 
A set of scenaria described in natural language and  their summary evaluation tables
Scenario model
Choose preferred scenaria

Copyright  ELEKTRA 1998